Introducing Peachy Patient

Boost Patient Volume to Create a
Successful Practice

Attract more new patients and build strong relationships with existing patients

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One Platform, Multiple Services

Offer a wide range of services, including:


Photorefractive Keratectomy

Cataract Surgery

Glaucoma Surgery

Diabetic Retinopathy Surgery

Macular Degeneration Surgery

How Does Peachy Patient Work?

Get new leads, faster!

Peachy Patient connects patients with medical practices based on their applications. Once we receive an inquiry from a relevant patient in your area, we immediately route them to your practice. We also send you patient calls so you can listen to them to better understand the case.

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Focus more on delivering care

As an ophthalmologist, you already have a lot on your plate. Finding new leads and convincing them to visit your practice is an extra task that takes your focus away from care delivery. We totally get that! That’s why Peachy Patient sends over quality leads so you never have to worry about hunting new patients.

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Create a great first impression

Peachy Patient streamlines all your processes, from patient onboarding to billing and invoicing. You come across as a tech-savvy, modern business that values patient satisfaction and convenience.

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Find patients on autopilot

Connect with even the most hard-to-reach leads located in your area. Peachy Patient routes patients to your practice based on their procedural requirements, annual income, insurance, geographical location, and more.

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Ready to grow your ophthalmology practice?

Peachy Patient’s done-for-you system ensures you never have to waste time looking for leads and qualifying them.

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What is Peachy Patient?

Peachy Patient is a healthcare SaaS company that connects medical practices and patients based on patients’ procedural needs. We elevate the grunt work for patients by pairing them with medical practices in their location that accept their insurance, provide the procedure they’re looking for and will work with their budget.

How does Peachy Credit work?

Peachy Credit essentially is credit that patients don’t need to pay back, but it can be redeemed in our participating medical practices. If your practice decides to accept the credit, you will be rewarded a free patient lead immediately. So the more Peachy Credit you accept, the more free leads you receive!

Is it compulsory to accept Peachy Credit?

Not really. However, it’d be great if you can accept the credit and offer patients a discount.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some FAQs to learn how you can get a steady patient flow with Peachy Patient.

Still Not Convinced?

Take Peachy Patient on a Test Drive!

We offer a free demo for medical practices to see how Peachy Patient can help them get more patients and streamline their processes. No credit card needed!

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